Why Are You Doing This?!
Why are you doing this? Why chase a childhood dream of doing art? That's the question for the last year. Let's cut to the chase as I sit here in this Barns and Nobel trying to organize my thoughts and "What I want to do" list. In 2020, I began to deeply reassess what's important to me as Destiny, the individual. Like you, my list in 2022 is still gigantic, but I shifted a lot this year.
However, here are my top four!
One, to honor and to be authentically myself with God first and others as best as possible wherever I go. (It can be HARD, but it is freeing!) Two, serve others and pave a path for young ladies who look like me! The power of representation is REAL; let me clarify I DO NOT and CAN NOT represent every Black girl/woman. However, for the ladies in my reach, I will serve them well by providing channels and avenues as they come to me. Three, as Myles Monroe says, "Die Empty!". To "die empty" means that I will try the things that scare, challenge, and stretch my gifts. That everything God put in me will be exhausted out of me. There will be a day when I have matured to an all silver fro, and my painting hands will become shaky. I won't look back and say, "I wish I had used my twenties and my time differently!" Four, I desire to start a legacy for myself and my family by trying something new. It will be an uphill climb; however, I know I'll see you at the top!
I filter most of my life decisions and even my style of art through my top four. That's why I have been challenging/showing up for Destiny, running here and there, missing a couple of "Choice days" with my niece and nephew, saying yes and no to opportunities, and trying my best to show up well! Who knows how they will change and evolve over the next few years, but I think the heart will be the same. So that's my Why; what are your top four filters? Are you learning to find peace with who you are and what/how you show up to the world? Oh, it's an arduous and uphill journey, but boy, will you be proud of who you're becoming versus what you "do."
Photography by Stacy Gardin! (Click her name to check her out!)
My current favorite songs: