Sankofa Inspired

(October 2019)

Medium/ Materials:  

  • Acrylic paint 

  • GAC 900

  • Masking tape

  • Sweatshirt from the local thrift store

  • White Gesso

Process: With masking tape, I taped off where I wanted to paint. Then, I sketched in my notebook my thought process and gesso my canvas on the back of the sweatshirt.

Gesso acts as a primer! I sketched out the gentleman and the Sankofa birds. Next, I sketch out the square of the cityscape and the impressionistic version of Van Gough’s Starry Night Sky. This piece only took about 2-3 days to complete.

The mishap in this piece was that I washed it! (insert “shaking head emoji”)The image I painted on the back washed off, so I no longer have this piece, but the learning process was fun!


 This hoodie was the original piece I was going to enter for an art auction for a local Gala,  The Young Brother’s Academy Gala 2019. Their theme was “Sankofa.” A Ghana, Twi Language term, Sankofa means “to go back and get it”! Young Brothers Academy mentors and empowers young black men to dream and see a vision for the future while appreciating the sacrifices made before them. 

It also mimics "Remember Me," a self-portrait I did in high school. In both pieces, the hoodie is intentional. It represents how my heart grieved the death of Trayvon Martin when I was 17 or 18 years old, and I did not have any direct connection with him. The cityscape is my hope and prayer that young black men will have vision and dreams again for their cities.

 I hope young black men will fulfill their God-given dreams and live and thrive again! I tried to incorporate the sky of the painting by van Gogh from his infamous piece Starry Night. I like the impressionistic vibe and bold colors. It reminds me of a dreamland.  

I pray that my father, brothers, nephews, friends, and future children realize how precious God has made them be. That NO man, economic status, or even their limited perception of themselves will be their hindrance. The dreams of young men and their ability to lead communities will be realized in their youth and fulfilled in their old age. I pray that their identity will be in the One who was the first to breathe life into them and knew their name before time began.

In Jesus' Name, Amen!

(Written March/April 2020)

 Mix Medias:

Black Boy | Swoope

Shine | Tobe Nwigwe

I Just Want To Live | Keedron Bryant  

(I do not own any rights to music linked…I just enjoy listening to it!)


"Hair Love"


Behind the Art